Sweet little Lyric part 1

My mom left in October.  She was headed to AZ to be with my sister-in-law Kim and my niece Hudsyn while they patiently waited for baby Lyric to arrive.  We weren’t sure if my brother would make it to the delivery in time.  When Hudsyn was born he left a baseball game and got on a plane and barely made it to the hospital!  I have to say this time, it couldn’t have worked out more perfect.  While I’m sad the Tampa Bay Rays didn’t make it to the play-offs, Ryan got home one week before his baby son was born.

I got to meet my new nephew when was 11 days old.  I left for AZ on a Friday and spent the whole weekend cuddling him and Huddie and of course, taking his newborn pics!!!  I took so many pics and I didn’t want to squeeze them into one post so here is part one….Enjoy!



photography + design
